Sunday, May 17, 2020

Feldspar Distinctions, Characteristics Identification

Feldspars are a group of closely related minerals that together are the most abundant mineral in the Earths crust. A thorough knowledge of the feldspars is what separates geologists from the rest of us. How to Tell Feldspar Feldspars are hard minerals, all of them with a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. This lies between the hardness of a steel knife (5.5) and the hardness of quartz (7). In fact, feldspar is the standard for hardness 6 in the Mohs scale. Feldspars usually are white or nearly white, though they may be clear or light shades of orange or buff. They usually have a glassy luster. Feldspar is called a rock-forming mineral, very common, and usually makes up a large part of the rock. In sum, any glassy mineral thats slightly softer than quartz is very likely considered a feldspar. The main mineral that might be confused with feldspar is quartz. Besides hardness, the biggest difference is how the two minerals break. Quartz breaks in curvy and irregular shapes (conchoidal fracture). Feldspar, however, breaks readily along flat faces, a property called cleavage. As you turn a piece of rock in the light, quartz glitters and feldspar flashes. Other differences: quartz is usually clear and feldspar is usually cloudy. Quartz appears in crystals more commonly than feldspar, and the six-sided spears of quartz are very different from the generally blocky crystals of feldspar. What Kind of Feldspar? For general purposes, like picking granite for a countertop, it doesnt matter what type of feldspar is in a rock. For geological purposes, feldspars are quite important. For rockhounds without laboratories, its enough to be able to tell the two main types of feldspar, plagioclase (PLADGE-yo-clays) feldspar and alkali feldspar. The one thing about plagioclase thats usually different is that its broken faces—its cleavage planes—almost always have fine parallel lines across them. These striations are signs of crystal twinning. Each plagioclase grain, in reality, is typically a stack of thin crystals, each with its molecules arranged in opposite directions. Plagioclase has a color range from white to dark gray, and its typically translucent. Alkali feldspar (also called potassium feldspar or K-feldspar) has a color range from white to brick-red, and its typically opaque. Many rocks have both feldspars, like granite. Cases like that are helpful for learning to tell the feldspars apart. The differences can be subtle and confusing. Thats because the chemical formulas for the feldspars blend smoothly into each other. Feldspar Formulas and Structure What is common to all the feldspars is the same arrangement of atoms, a framework arrangement, and one basic chemical recipe, a silicate (silicon plus oxygen) recipe. Quartz is another framework silicate, consisting only of oxygen and silicon, but feldspar has various other metals partly replacing the silicon. The basic feldspar recipe is X(Al,Si)4O8, where X stands for Na, K, or Ca. The exact composition of the various feldspar minerals depends on what elements balance the oxygen, which has two bonds to fill (remember H2O?). Silicon makes four chemical bonds with oxygen; that is, its tetravalent. Aluminum makes three bonds (trivalent), calcium makes two (divalent) and sodium and potassium make one (monovalent). So the identity of X depends on how many bonds are needed to make up the total of 16. One Al leaves one bond for Na or K to fill. Two Als leaves two bonds for Ca to fill. So there are two different mixtures that are possible in the feldspars, a sodium-potassium series and a sodium-calcium series. The first is alkali feldspar and the second is plagioclase feldspar. Alkali Feldspar in Detail Alkali feldspar has the formula KAlSi3O8, potassium aluminosilicate. The formula actually is a blend ranging from all sodium (albite) to all potassium (microcline), but albite is also one endpoint in the plagioclase series so we classify it there. This mineral is often called potassium feldspar or K-feldspar because potassium always exceeds sodium in its formula. Potassium feldspar comes in three different crystal structures that depend on the temperature it formed at. Microcline is the stable form below about 400 C. Orthoclase and sanidine are stable above 500 C and 900 C, respectively. Outside the geological community, only dedicated mineral collectors can tell these apart. But a deep green variety of microcline called amazonite stands out in a pretty homogeneous field. The color is from the presence of lead. The high potassium content and high strength of K-feldspar make it the best mineral for potassium-argon dating. Alkali feldspar is a crucial ingredient in glass and pottery glazes. Microcline has a minor use as an abrasive mineral. Plagioclase in Detail Plagioclase ranges in composition from Na[AlSi3O8] to calcium Ca[Al2Si2O8], or sodium to calcium aluminosilicate. Pure Na[AlSi3O8] is albite, and pure Ca[Al2Si2O8] is anorthite. The plagioclase feldspars are named according to the following scheme, where the numbers are the percentage of calcium expressed as anorthite (An): Albite (An 0–10)Oligoclase (An 10–30)Andesine (An 30–50)Labradorite (An 50–70)Bytownite (An 70–90)Anorthite (An 90–100) The geologist distinguishes these under the microscope. One way is to determine the minerals density by putting crushed grains in immersion oils of different densities. (Albites specific gravity is 2.62, anorthites is 2.74, and the others fall in between.) The really precise way is to use thin sections to determine the optical properties along the different crystallographic axes. The amateur has a few clues. An iridescent play of light can result from optical interference inside some feldspars. In labradorite, it often has a dazzling blue hue called labradorescence. If you see that its a sure thing. Bytownite and anorthite are rather rare and unlikely to be seen. An unusual igneous rock consisting of only plagioclase is called anorthosite. A noteworthy occurrence is in New Yorks Adirondack Mountains; another one is the Moon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Story The Necklace - 921 Words

The necklace is an interesting story to read despite the fact of how the main character can get under your nerves. While there might be many things that stand out, to me the irony in the story stand out the most and you can find many cases of irony throughout the story. short story for students states that it is ironic that she - Madame Loisel - is excluded from the upper society because of class despite her beauty (short story for students, 5/171); LitFinder contemporary collection states that if she had accepted her way of life and went to the ball as she is without trying to become someone she wasn t, everything would have been fine and she wouldn t have to go through all that trouble later on. It is also ironic that if she had been satisfied by the sacrifice her husband made for her and was content with just the new dress, she wouldn t have become poorer than she ever was. At the beginning of the story, we can clearly tell that Loisel is a beautiful woman, but ironically she was born into a poor family. â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as though fate had blundered over her, into a family of artisans† (fiction 100, 849). Being beautiful is wonderful, but because of how low she is on the social standing, she can t mingle with those who are higher than her. â€Å"In a society that so highly values appearance, it is ironic that the beautiful Madame Loisel is excluded from society because of her class standing† (short story for students). It is like fateShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Story The Necklace Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesThe short story â€Å"The Necklace† is one of the most significant stories that I believe the message through it is so powerful for women. â€Å"The Necklace† is a story about a woman named Mathilde Loisel that thought she was supposed to be born into a wealthy family an d behaving like one. Unfortunately, the destiny of her life did not match with what she actually wanted—the luxurious life fill with happiness, attentions and jewelries. â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls who are sometimes, asRead MoreEssay about Country Lovers versus The Necklace886 Words   |  4 PagesIt is amazing how two short stories can be so similar but yet so different even when it comes to marriage and gender roles. These particular literary works involve creative writing between the two stories that are being referred to would be The Necklace and Country Lovers. Both these stories are set in different places and keep the readers wondering throughout the story what the ending result is. And to even consider writing a literature that centers on this topic is truly fascinating and attention-grabbingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Necklace1358 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"The Necklace† Analysis Plot Analysis - The plot analysis of (Exposition) â€Å"The Necklace† by Guy de Maupassant, take place in the late 1800s when Mathilde Loisel and her husband decides to go to a ball. The importance of the place is so you can fully appreciate how royal Mathilde is supposed to be at the ball, and let me tell you, she pulls it off. She was the most beautiful woman there, but surprisingly it wasn t the necklace that made her shine that night. She alreadyRead MoreEssay on The Necklace953 Words   |  4 PagesTen years of suffering is the cost of having pleasure for only one night! In â€Å"The Necklace,† by Guy de Maupassant presents Mathilde Loisel, an attractive, charming but vacuous and selfish middle class lady transforms to selfness, poor, satisfied and hard-working lady. Even though, Mathidle owns a comfortable home and married to a faithful and kind husband, Monsieur Loisel, who seeks her happiness and satisfaction; she was ungrateful to the things that she had been given, because her greed and desireRead MoreWhat Is The Theme Of The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant1028 Words   |  5 Pages The Necklace†, by Guy de Maupassant First published in French in 1884, is a fabulous short story about unhappiness and being true to yourself. The story is about a woman, named Mathilide Loisel, who was a â€Å"prima donna† of sorts. However she could not have certain things that cost too much because she did not have the money to buy the items she longed for. One night her husband brought home an invitation to a ball but she was not happy about this because she did not have a dress good enough to attendRead MoreLiterary Essay Of The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant829 Words   |  4 Pages Literary Analysis Essay of ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant ‘The Necklace’ is a morality tale written by Guy de Maupassant where he portrays the life of a beautiful but dissatisfied girl named Mathilde who desires to live a luxurious life despite being born into a clerk’s family and marrying a clerk too. Mathilde’s discontentment in life instigates her to pretend someone rich that she is not. Moreover, it leads her to severe trouble that caused ten years of hardshipRead MoreAnalysis of The Necklace Essay883 Words   |  4 PagesBickford English 1102 6 February 2006 Analysis of The Necklace Many women dream of living a rich life, full of luxury, riches and servants. In the short story The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, a middle-class woman named Madame Loisel desires that life style very much. In The Necklace Madame Loisels vain desires cause many conflicts and her ultimate downfall. One small conflict in the story is Madame Loisel vs. her husband. He is always trying to make his wife satisfied and she neverRead MoreThe Lottery Short Story983 Words   |  4 Pages Characters better help analyze a piece of literature. However, taking two different stories to give them a similar meaning is beneficial. In â€Å"The Lottery† the author uses setting to back up the old tradition as being a right thing to follow rather than questioning it, while â€Å"The Necklace† shows the struggle of fitting into society through the use of imagery and setting. To begin, â€Å"The Lottery† is a short story about how a society persecutes a person as a tradition every day. This work shows theRead More Comparing the Female Characters in The Necklace and Recitatif892 Words   |  4 PagesThe Use of Female Characters in The Necklace and Recitatif  Ã‚     Ã‚   In Guy de Maupassants The Necklace and Toni Morrisons Recitatif, materialism and the desire to be envied are vital ingredients in the themes of the stories. Both authors enhance their themes through the manipulation of plot and the use of women as their central characters. Maupassant and Morrison prove the notion that women are effective characters in depicting themes that deal with the social issue of craving materialRead MoreFeminism In The Necklace1068 Words   |  5 PagesFeminist Analysis of Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace. In recent decades, feminism has attracted attention from different individuals who fight for equal treatment of both genders. As defined by many researchers, feminism is the advocacy of equality between male and females. This concept began when people realized that the traditional roles of men and women provide a lot of injustice to women. According to Barry â€Å"The women’s movement’ of the 1960s was not, of course, the start of feminism. Rather

Management Concepts Overseeing the Emotional Issues

Question: Discuss about the Report of Management Concepts for Overseeing the Emotional Issues. Answer: Introduction: Overseeing the emotional issues are the prerequisites for an effective management. For the successful completion of this assignment, the author has discussed three distinct issues mentioned in the assessment criteria. Within the short span of this essay, the author has provided a self-assessment under the light of Golemans three dimensions of Self Awareness. He has also mentioned the benefits of authority delegation and lastly he has discussed the importance of human moment at work. Discussion: Self-Awareness: Self Awarenesscan be identified as a clear awareness of ones individuality, including potencies, limitations, judgments, beliefs, inspiration, and sentiments.Self Awarenesspermits the individual to appreciate other people, ones thoughts and response to them. Hence, it is one of the prerequisites of an organizational leader to be successful in his /her endeavor. As opined by Goleman et al. (2013), the emotional intelligence of individuals is made of two components. These are:1) self management and 2) self awareness. Here, the dimensions of self-awareness can be identified as: Emotional awareness Self-assessment Self-confidence Now within the small span of this essay, I am going to evaluate myself based on these three dimensions. As opined by Howell (2014), Emotional awareness can be designated as knowing when feelings are present in others and ourselves. I can identify myself as an emotionally aware individual. However, sometimes I find it difficult to control my sensitivity and forecasting my feeling. In this context, I can cite an experience of understanding the emotions of one of my subordinates in my workplace. He was found guilty of making some minor fraudulent transactions. As the manager, I was to confront him. Because of my Emotional awareness, I felt that he was being defensive and was obstinate. However, due to lack of my control over my emotion, it took me much time to make him admit his deeds. On the other hand, in the dimension of Self-assessment, I will mark myself lowly. More often, I am able to find my limitations, but fail to identify my strengths. It makes me less confident about myself. In most of the cases, when my senior authority trusts on me for a task, I find it difficult to trust myself and try to avoid that responsibility. Lastly, in the in the context of self-confidence, it can mark myself as an average scorer. I am aware of the capabilities or qualities of myself. However, i find it difficult to trust on them. As discussed before, due to lack of my confidence, I try to avoid take risks and responsibilities. Delegation: Delegation can be identified as one of the major issues in a competent management of an organization. Delegation is allocating the tasks to the competent individuals. The benefits of delegation can be examined in a number of ways: Benefits to the organization: As this strategy helps in team building, increased motivation level, the company gains the eminence of a good employer. On the other hand, as delegation increases efficiency, the productivity of the organization increases with it. As opined by Moe (2012), delegation speeds up the decision making process of the company. Thus, delegation is beneficial to an organizations management and operation. Benefits for the manager: As discussed by Bergman and Shubert (2013), with the strategy of authority delegation, a manager can restrict the potentiality of conflict mainly the role conflict among the team members. When the manager divides and clarifies the roles among the employees, it provides him the advantage of team spirit and conflict management. Moreover, to a manager, delegation helps them in performing better. As discussed by Yabe and Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (2015), It gives them the opportunity of assigning the regular jobs to their subordinates and focus more efficiently in administrative and resourceful functions. On the other hand, even in the absence of the manager the team can work efficiently due to the role clarity. Benefits to the employees: As opined by Zyngier and Owen (2013), when the task given to a person who is typically trained to that, the efficiency level increase both of the employee and the organization. It can be discussed under the light of division of labor. Performing a task for a log period of time and concentrating on that particular job increases the efficiency of that employee in executing the job. On the other hand, when an employee has a clear idea, what exactly he/she has to do and not to, it gives them clarity of the job role. It is important for the executives to be sure about their duty. It increases the concentration as well as employee engagement. However, the decision of delegation involves a few important steps: Identification of the task: As opined by Bergman and Shubert (2013), it is important for a manager to identify what exactly the requirement of the particular task or position. If it can be identified clearly, the necessity of delegation can simply be explored. Reviewing the resource: Before, delegation, the management needs to review whether he has the competent executive or enough budgets to perform that role or not. Time: Last but most importantly, before opting for delegation of an authority, the management need to review how much time they have to perform it in that way. Sometimes, it is better to be autonomic because of time constrains. These can be identified as some important steps in this regard. Vanishing human moment: In an organization, it is typically important for the employees to feel motivated and happy. It helps the organization to obtain better productivity and competitive advantage. As opined by Singh (2015), human moment can be designated as a genuine emotional encounter that can take place when two individual share the same mental and physical space. However, with the recent emergence of the electronic hyper-connection or technologies for communication, is restricting people to share a Human Moment. This case of vanishing human moment can be identified as one of the major issues of concern. Here, some of the reasons of such claim can be noted: Emotional isolation and damaged mental health: As opined by Cornelissen (2014), the lack of human moment at work can create an emotional isolation among the employees. With the increased usage of networking technologies, people are losing the essence of human moment. It can create a state of mental remotenesswhere he may performing a successful social network but still experiencespsychologicallyalienated from others. It creates a sense of abandonment and thus leads to damaged mental health. Lack of motivation: As popularly discussed, the loss of human moment at work can create a huge negative impact to the employee motivation. Good people leave. Those who remain are unhappy. With lack of meaningful communication among the team members, no personal connection will be made and the employees will feel de-motivated. Thus, the company will experience a huge employee turnover. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be said that the emotional issues of the executives are important for the smooth running for an organization. The employees should be self-aware and feel motivated. They need to provide human time and authority should be delegated. Thus, the executives will feel encouraged and the company may experience a better management. References: Bergman, C. and Shubert, L., 2013. Interactive strategies: time management, prioritization, and delegation.Nurse educator,38(4), pp.137-138. Cornelissen, J., 2014.Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Howell, T.J., 2014. Daniel GolemanEmotional Intelligence.Instructor. Moe, T.M., 2012, July. Delegation, control, and the study of public bureaucracy. InThe Forum(Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1-45). Singh, M., 2015. Effective Organization Communication.International Journal of Research and Development,3. Yabe, K., and Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, 2015.System for delegation of authority, access management service system, medium, and method for controlling the system for delegation of authority. U.S. Patent 9,065,828. Zyngier, S. and Owen, J., 2013, January. Patterns of Knowledge Management leadership and delegation: supporting an agile organization. InSystem Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on(pp. 3695-3704). IEEE.