Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Story The Necklace - 921 Words

The necklace is an interesting story to read despite the fact of how the main character can get under your nerves. While there might be many things that stand out, to me the irony in the story stand out the most and you can find many cases of irony throughout the story. short story for students states that it is ironic that she - Madame Loisel - is excluded from the upper society because of class despite her beauty (short story for students, 5/171); LitFinder contemporary collection states that if she had accepted her way of life and went to the ball as she is without trying to become someone she wasn t, everything would have been fine and she wouldn t have to go through all that trouble later on. It is also ironic that if she had been satisfied by the sacrifice her husband made for her and was content with just the new dress, she wouldn t have become poorer than she ever was. At the beginning of the story, we can clearly tell that Loisel is a beautiful woman, but ironically she was born into a poor family. â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as though fate had blundered over her, into a family of artisans† (fiction 100, 849). Being beautiful is wonderful, but because of how low she is on the social standing, she can t mingle with those who are higher than her. â€Å"In a society that so highly values appearance, it is ironic that the beautiful Madame Loisel is excluded from society because of her class standing† (short story for students). It is like fateShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Story The Necklace Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesThe short story â€Å"The Necklace† is one of the most significant stories that I believe the message through it is so powerful for women. â€Å"The Necklace† is a story about a woman named Mathilde Loisel that thought she was supposed to be born into a wealthy family an d behaving like one. Unfortunately, the destiny of her life did not match with what she actually wanted—the luxurious life fill with happiness, attentions and jewelries. â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls who are sometimes, asRead MoreEssay about Country Lovers versus The Necklace886 Words   |  4 PagesIt is amazing how two short stories can be so similar but yet so different even when it comes to marriage and gender roles. These particular literary works involve creative writing between the two stories that are being referred to would be The Necklace and Country Lovers. Both these stories are set in different places and keep the readers wondering throughout the story what the ending result is. 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